A Warm Breeze, The sound of my Grandparents singing in Church, The loudness of my grandfathers sneeze, the smell outside my parents house, hugs from my nieces and nephews, the windows down, radio up, letting my hand float up and down out of the window as we drive.....the sound of birds in the morning, the smell of doublemint gum......my mother use to keep loose pieces in her Bible, my dads hands covered in sap from working outside, the sound of a gravel driveway, fresh bubblegum, big league chew, cherry slushy, a very hot day and a cold glass of iced tea, my mother humming as she strolls through the house, my sisters laughter, a baby giggling, my Grandparents holding hands after 60+ yrs,
finding a good buy, remembering my childhood, talking to my friends, laughing with friends about things only you and her get, my husbands hug when returning home from work, the smell of the bathroom after he showers, holding his hand, my kitty falling asleep on her back, when she gets startled and jumps straight up, any non-domesticated animal sighting......some preferred to be far away, Grandmas spaghetti and spice cake, moms dumplings, cobbler, and stuffed peppers,
The sound of my parents chickens, my family land, walking when it is slightly cool, a warm rainy day, spring, Easter Sunday Dresses, Easter eggs hunts, coloring eggs, the smell of the ocean, camping, fireplaces, candles, bonfires, prayer, singing......and singing in the car, those moments at family gatherings where time slows down and you remember to take in the moment, new car smell, clean car, clean house, good hair day, listening to my grandfather preach, girl talk...........I know i have only touched the tip of the iceburg but with Spring coming, this is what I look forward to!
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