Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gray be Gone....

I have been so very thankful for the snow this year. It made the holidays much more exciting. I can't, however, seem to make myself enjoy the gray skies that gloom over on a daily basis. It would be different if the sky did not make a difference in my mood but despite my efforts, those gray days make my eyes a little heavier. I find myself turning on the soundscapes music channel and walking around my house tricking myself into thinking that right outside is an 85 degree sunshiny day. No matter how much it effects me I should still look up and realize that i wouldn't be as thankful for the sunshine without having these Gray days. So next time I find myself sighing to the weather channel....i will say yay!!!!! Hooray for this Gray day.......because i know that eventually the Gray will be gone and my cheeks will be shiny from my sunscreen.