Not that organization is a bad thing but lately it has my mind rushing over every room in our home, thinking of what would look great here or there. I have been caffeine free for a had become overwhelming and I was totally dependent on it to determine how my day went. A caffeine free Mocha Latte isn't a bad thing though...yum.... but caffeine has been replaced with another addiction. Wanting to buy storage and organizational items...weird I know. My sister-in-law created an amazing organized space in my nieces closet. The linen hanging shelves, baskets and all. So after seeing and being inspired by it I thought to myself......" I shall take some birthday money and buy items to help me be better organized". And just a quick note to anyone who doesn't know me well......any money I ever get usually goes to spritzing up our home......i love it though! Moving hubby thought it would be a helpful long as I wanted to of course.......because it is no secret that he is a t-shirt hoarder and could use and extra dresser drawer.....although he begs to differ.......that's a whole other blog though. Love his heart.....he has complied to my request of getting rid of some pretty raggedy t-shirts that I almost stuck in my rag drawer.... i can't complain. The above pics are shots of the items and pattern of my now "organized" closet. Awwww...breathe of fresh air to me. But unfortunately it hasn't stopped there. Needless to say.......i am forcing myself to organize with what I already have. I shouldn't waste perfectly good storage.....even if the rubbermaid sock drawers don't open that easily or.....well.......enough Emily.... I am thankful for what I have. I really am. I avoid watching the show hoarders upon my husbands request due to the fact that every time the show is over.....I go in panic mode searching the house wondering if I am becoming or will become a hoarder....chuckle.....I am working on it I just hope I am not the only one to have this type of addiction.
P.S............Hoping this craving for crabstick Sushi doesn't become a part of my addiction blog:)